
7 sep - 9 dec, 2018
free admission

Invitation to Attention

The publication Invitation to Attention proposes exercises that invite people to be more attentive to the experience with art, in everything from their encounter with the artwork to the sharing of their reflection on it. Its use is not restricted to the 33rd Bienal, but rather can be applied to various other artworks and contexts. It contains a booklet with texts about the relationships between art, education and attention, along with new collages made by artist-curator Antonio Ballester Moreno.

Register your experience here

Share your experience in texts and images using the attention exercises of the educational material


The educational material is available for download in PDF

The texts and images published by third parties in the Invitation to Attention area are of sole responsibility of their authors and do not translate the opinion of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo. Their publication serves the purpose of stimulating the debate on contemporary art and showing the diverse tendencies of the current thought on these subjects.